Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I found these beautiful drawings and rendering of horses done by amazing artists. So here they are

And lastly the most beautiful of them all 
I am terribly terribly sorry guys XD When I saw this ... i just had to put this in!! I couldn't resist!
I picked my three animals for the skeletal study: mouse, ferret and a wolf. :D Critiques and comments would be appreciated.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Inspirations Inspirations!

I was browsing some arts on the internet and I found many inspirations. Sharing with you guys!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Very very nice animal drawings and creating a character out of different animal part. <3  by Quintero

Animal Side Skeleton Reference

Some references of the side bones - not simplified but helpful references that might get through our homework assignment.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Helpful Animal Life Drawing Tool!

:D here's a web that might help us practice with animal drawings.

Hi guys, I am Ye Htut Aung.  :) I hope we will have fun this semester. So let's get started.

 This blog can be accessed through your gmail. There should be an apps menu on the top right next to your sign out menu bar and there will be blogger app in it. 

Homeworks, assignments or just anything related to Animal Drawing that  you want to be critiqued on by your peers or Marshall can be posted on this blog. 

References that might help your classmates will be posted and other helpful topics will discussed. I will also post fun topics that can sometimes relieve stress. 

And also please , pleasseee , pleasseeee do not be mean to each other on this blog .  :( 

If you have any questions to ask me, please email me anytime at yeaung@lcad.edu